Let S be a subset of â„• such that
(i) 1∈ S, and
(ii) if k ∈ S then k +1∈S.
Then S = â„•.
Let T=ℕ - S. We prove that T=Φ.
Let T be non-empty. Then by the well ordering property of â„•, the non-empty subset T has the least element, say m.
Since 1 ∈ S and 1 is the least element of â„•, m > 1.
Hence m-1 is a natural number and m-1∉T. So m-1∈S.
But by (ii) m-1∈ S ⇒(m-1) +1∈S, i.e. m∈S.
This contradicts that m is the least element in T. Therefore our assumption is wrong and T=Φ
Therefore S= N. This completes the proof.